At Steiner, it’s all about the team. Our combined efforts deliver the greatest results…
We rely on teamwork to achieve our goals. Our culture embodies the deployment of efficient team support & specialization to maximize knowledge & resources.
Our CEO, Vivian McGrew, has built a company dedicated to team development, growth & success. Since 2003, we have cultivated talent, protected countless assets, and our work is just beginning. From strict accountability to a proactive management response, we do it all…together!
Steiner Team
There’s a proverb, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. Chains are compromised of multiple links joined together. The strength of the chain lies within each link.
At Steiner, we view each team member as a part of the chain that holds our company together. We are stronger together than in our individual parts. Where there’s a weakness, we band together to strengthen each link. We develop, train, and support every team member, regardless of rank or role. At Steiner, you are family!
Hyper-Focused on Achievement
We take security seriously. Our team understands the complexities of our industry. We train our team on quality & efficiency. Most of all, we build high morale through a variety of incentive & retention programs. A happy team is a productive team.
Steiner Core Values
We embody integrity. We are honest and truthful. Above all, we do the right thing, even when no one is looking. We do what is right, every time and without question.
We set the highest standards for our staff. From our appearance to our behavior to on-the-job performance, we exhibit the highest levels of professionalism and character.
We are accountable for our actions and decision making. Accountability means we are responsible for our outcomes. We have an obligation to answer for our actions.
Proactive Management
Our management team does not wait for problems to arise, we anticipate and prepare for them. Our supervisors and managers are resourceful and ready to step in and assist at a moments notice. We problem solve with ease.
Customer Service
Customer service is at the heart of everything we do. From service with a smile, to being informative and helpful, you can depend on us as a reliable and knowledgeable resource.
Steiner promotes a safety-centric workplace. From onboarding to annual re-trainings, we reinforce a culture of safety. From the proper use of PPE to emergency planning, we deliver!
Become a Partner
We are always seeking to partner with like-minded organizations. Steiner has teamed with a host of security firms, governments, city services, public and private sector firms, airports, educational institutions, and more.
If you are searching for a security partner or are interested in teaming with a certified WBE or MBE, connect with us. Complete our online form and our team will reach out for next steps.